Toyota plans an 18 vehicle low CO2 product offensive in Europe

Toyota Motor Europe President Tadashi Arashima says that the company has plans for eighteen completely new or heavily revised models which will emit less than 140 grams of CO2 per kilometer by the end of next year. Those sound like very ambitious plans but Toyota, which currently averages 149g/km for its line of vehicles in Europe, could be capable of such heroics. If they indeed make this happen, it would mean that half of all Toyotas sold in Europe would meet that low carbon emission target, up from roughly thirty percent last year. Under newly-proposed European Commission rules, Toyota would need to average roughly 127g/km of CO2 emissions by 2012, so an aggressive mid-range target such as this one might be a necessity.
No indication of how Toyota plans to implement these new standards was given. Interestingly, Arashima suggests that some cost increases would need to be passed on to the consumer, but the Japanese company would take a wait-and-see approach before making any adjustments of its own. Consumer acceptance towards other brands could set a precedent for Toyota to follow.

[Source: Automotive News Europe - sub. req'd]

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