Bentley CEO says to take it easy, not get emotional about CO2 debate

Photo by >WouteR<. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0.

Bentley CEO Franz-Josef Paefgen wants us all to chill out. Speaking at the 2008 Automotive News Europe Congress, Paefgen said that "it does help when the debate becomes excessively emotional" (Note: that's ANE's direct quote, but I'm pretty sure they meant "doesn't help" based on the headline: "Bentley's Paefgen says CO2 debate is too emotional"). Even though the debate can and does get quite personal at times, Paefgen wants politicians to take a look at the broader picture. Coming from the head of an automaker whose cars emit roughly 400 grams of CO2 per km, on average, the broader picture is the only thing that will help Bentley meet the EU's emissions targets of 120 g/km of CO2. Paefgen did say his company's vehicles will meet that 120 goal, but only when calculated on a well-to-wheel basis (i.e., when emissions up the supply chain are taken into account).

[Source: Automotive News Europe (subs req'd)]

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