Ecoigo: the green and black executive car service

No sacrifices to standards. No extra cost to clients. Environmentally conscious. These are the promises that Ecoigo makes to the expense account set.

Ecoigo is an environmentally conscious executive car service operating in central London that aims to make your luxury business travel in a black Prius hybrid as green as possible. Ecoigo's Jonathan Broom wrote in to AutoblogGreen to say that after each trip in an ecoigo car, the rider has offset twice as much carbon as the ride emitted, and "saved more than 1kg of carbon dioxide, rescued or reforested over 1 square metre of tropical rainforest and provided someone in the developing world with clean water for a month" (on average). There are no prices listed on the Ecoigo website, and I'm not familiar with the average cost of an executive car ride in London to compare, anyway. Still, if the cost is the same as other services, and you think a zero-compromise taxi service is the right way to go, why not use one that sends a bit of money into rainforest protection?

There's am ecoigo video after the break.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: Jonathan Broom / ecoigo]

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