Drive $marter Challenge kicks off Tuesday

Seventeen groups, including the Alliance to Save Energy and the Wal-Mart Foundation, will kick off something called the Drive $marter Challenge on Tuesday. As you might be able to guess from the name, the idea behind this challenge is to get people to learn and then preform smarter (read: more efficient) driving techniques. This national campaign will be based around a website that features the only "calculator showing visitors how much money, gas, and CO2 they can save with their own vehicle by taking specific fuel-efficiency steps." There will be a press event at the National Press Club on Tuesday to kick off the challenge. The website doesn't work yet (it gets stuck and just says "loading..."), but if you need even more tips (what, these 104 or these 100 weren't enough for you?) check back early next week. Press conference line-up after the jump.
Press Release:

Alliance to Save Energy, Wal-Mart Foundation Launch Drive $marter Challenge to Lower Consumers' Gas Costs by Using Less

May 20, 2008; 10:30 am - 11:30 am
National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

WHAT: The Alliance to Save Energy and 17 diverse nonprofit, government, and for-profit partners will launch the Drive $marter Challenge, a national consumer fuel-efficiency campaign to reduce drivers' "pain at the pump" as gasoline prices continue to increase. The campaign's effective driving and vehicle maintenance tips can add up to hundreds of dollars of annual savings.

The unique, interactive campaign website ( is the only one with a calculator showing visitors how much money, gas, and CO2 they can save with their own vehicle by taking specific fuel-efficiency steps.

Campaign B-roll is available and can be provided to TV.

-- Alliance to Save Energy President Kateri Callahan
-- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Senior Vice President of US Government
Relations Ray Bracy
-- Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Alliance honorary co-chair
-- American Petroleum Institute CEO and President Red Cavaney
-- Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), honorary Alliance vice-chair
-- Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers President and CEO Dave McCurdy
-- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office for Transportation and Air
Quality Director Margo Oge

WHERE: Holeman Lounge, National Press Club
14th & F Sts., NW
Washington, D.C.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 20, 2008
10:30 am to 11:30 am

The Alliance to Save Energy is a coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit consumers, the environment, economy, and national security.

[Source: Alliance to Save Energy]

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