finds a TerraPass fleet is the right move

How much carbon does the fleet of vehicles over at KickingTires spew? For starters, about 26 tons. That's at least what the team has decided is the right amount of Terrapass carbon offsets to buy for the fleet, and senior editor Dave Thomas said that this initial purchase will be reviewed as the cars' emissions are more accurately rated in the coming months. He told AutoblogGreen that he expects he'll need to buy more to round out the year, but for now, at least, when reviews a huge SUV, somewhere an angel gets its wings a tree is planted.
In a blog post announcing the passes, they write that this purchase isn't trying to get on anyone's good side (although I've gotta say I approve), but "the main reason for this program is to help the environment for future generations of drivers." Oh, and the challenge to other review outlets to do the same? Clever. We don't exclusively focus on reviews here, but we do our share. Just might have to consider this for our own green selves.

[Source: Kicking Tires]

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