Oh boy, more free energy, this time from a man named Archer Quinn

"I guess if there is a god, to give a person the ability to end global warming and destroy the filth that control the planet in one single move, would be somewhat of a miracle so I nicknamed it the "Sword of God", though spare me any religious rhetoric, I simply believe it a little unusual that I have never found anything I can't do, and almost every step I take refers at some point to something I have done or learned in the past. So I think taking the credit personally may be a bit of a stretch."

With those words, Australian inventor Archer Quinn introduces the blog Free Energy Truth to his invention, named the Sword of God, which he purports breaks Newton's laws by running "continuously without input of another energy source." In fact, Archer claims on his website to have already proved Einstein wrong with this equation: POC2 = POC2 and "kicked Newton's ass" with his Thermal Accelerator. Last year, Stoern attempted and failed to show off its free energy machine, but Archer is undeterred and plans to show it to the world on June 20. We're unconvinced, to put it mildly, but will follow Archer's progress regardless and report back.

[Source: Surphzup via Free Energy Blog via Engadget]

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