Dodge Viper and Ford GT engineer joins the Aptera development team

People make career changes all the time, but Neil Hannemann is definitely making an extreme one. Hannemann is joining electric vehicle builder Aptera as the new VP of program management and manufacturing. The Aptera is, of course, a lightweight, super aerodynamic, electric three wheeler. Hannemann is a veteran of the Detroit auto industry and was one of the leaders of the team that brought the original Dodge Viper from concept to production in the early nineties. After he left Chrysler, Hannemann moved on to Ford where he led the development team that created the GT, the fastest production model Dearborn ever built. After the GT program concluded, Hannemann decided he wanted to help change the face of transportation. At Aptera he will use his expertise in producing low volume extreme vehicles to help bring the Typ-1 to market.

[Soure: Popular Mechanics, thanks to Matt for the tip]

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