Aw Snap! Honda ASIMO robot to conduct Detroit Symphony Orchestra

This one's has to sting a little bit for the Big 3. On May 13th, Honda's coming to D-town with its ASIMO robot, which will (hopefully) walk on stage and open a special performance with Yo-Yo Ma by successfully conducting the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in a rousing rendition of "Impossible Dream". Not only do General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler LLC lack a humanoid robot that scares us every time we see it walk, dance, skip or run, but it certainly doesn't have one that can wave a stick in the air. Honda is working with the DSO to bring music eduction to kids and has gifted the big band with a $1 million donation to create The Power of Dreams Music Education Fund. As for ASIMO, we'll be impressed when he drops the baton and picks up Yo-Yo Ma's violin to play a flawless performance of Mozart's 4th. Well here's an Aw Snap! for Honda: Toyota already built that robot.

[Source: Engadget]

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