Reader provides Photoshop rendering of what production Volt might look like

Over at the web-site, reader Scott has put his Photoshop skills to work creating a rendering of what the production Chevy Volt might look like. Working from one of the original images of the concept, the shots of the taped up wind tunnel model and what we've been previously told, Scott went to work. You can see the final product as the lower image above which is clearly recognizable as a Volt. Notice that the front axle center line has moved backward relative to the nose of the car and the front door cut line. The nose is now more rounded and less blunt than the concept. This is necessary to clean up the airflow around the front of the car and meet European pedestrian protection standards. The roof line, as expected, is higher and the base of the windshield is further forward with more rake, again for improved aerodynamics. The one area where the final car will likely diverge the most from this rendering is the curved side glass at the top of the doors. This will almost certainly (although I could be wrong) go away. The extra complexity of manufacturing the doors this way and the distorted visibility would likely kill that design element. Instead, judging from the wind tunnel model, the bottom edge of the side glass will probably be slightly lower than shown hear and the doors themselves will probably be solid.

[Source:, thanks to Scott for the tip]

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