Hydrogen car projects affected by CARB regulations

According to a recent article in Forbes, the new CARB rules will affect negatively all hydrogen car projects. Even though this is something quite a number of our readers consider good, the article states that it's bad, and it's a direct consequence of the reduction to 7,500 the number of zero-emissions vehicles required by 2014. This is 70 percent fewer than the 25,000 ZEVs CARB had mandated in 2003.

Although what we might consider electric cars to be more ZEVs than hydrogen-powered vehicles, the article considers hydrogen fuel cells as solid ZEV options. Quoting GM sources, the article says that the problem is the lack of hydrogen infrastructure, not the ability of automakers to build hydrogen-powered cars. If a carmaker produces a small number of hydrogen-powered cars that can go a long distance, they won't be required to make many electrics.

[Source: Forbes]

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