Tokyo Metropolitan Police urges elderly drivers to give up their licenses

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police have begun a campaign urging elderly drivers to "have the courage to give up your license," according to a message on its website. This effort is in response to the mounting accident rates of Japan's rapidly aging population. Over the past six years, the overall number of accidents has declined in Japan by 20 percent while accidents involving drivers over the age of 70 have skyrocketed by 35 percent. Elderly drivers are being offered various discounts and perks from over 30 different businesses if they are willing to relinquish their licenses.
We can't count the number of times we've heard someone complain about elderly drivers, and if they are willing to hand in their keys or feel as if they may be a hazard, this could be a winning solution. On the other hand, this movement could present an additional problem to the already sagging auto market in Japan, as older drivers make up a large chunk of new car buyers.

[Source: Automotive News - sub. req'd., Reuters]

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