April Foolery: Indy MotoGP organizers blow all the cash on Nazi hookers

Oh no. First the U.S. Grand Prix, and now the MotoGP race. It seems that Indianapolis Motor Speedway just can't hold on to any international races that roll its way. In a particularly blatant (but no less humorous) April Fool's Day note left on the event's website, race organizers have announced the cancellation of the inaugural MotoGP race, set to take place at the brickyard on September 14:

MotoGP has been cancelled due to financial restraints and the inability to manage funds efficiently. In other words, we spent all the money on prostitutes dressed like Nazis. We are sad to inform you that you will not be getting any money back spent on tickets. Sorry...

Granted that the note won't have anyone fooled, but the jab taken at the F1 fiasco on the same track three years ago and at Max Mosley was enough to get a chuckle. Thanks for the tip, Barry!

[Source: IndianaMotoGP.com]

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