Memphis cops using T3 electric scooters

Police on electric vehicles are quickly becoming the new stereotype. Whether it's the Strathclyde Police or the NYPD riding Vectrix scooters or cops everywhere on Segways, we're seeing more and more departments justify battery-powered scooters for patrols. The latest addition is in Memphis, where police officers are cruising the sidewalks on T3 Series Personal Mobility Vehicles (see a high-res image of the T3 here). The T3s, which can go up to 20 mph, have so far been quite satisfactory, according to a local news report. Memphis cops have been using ten T3s for the last three weeks, and at least one commander believes a barrier between officer and civilian is broken down by being on a T3 instead of in a patrol car. Citizens are also snapping a lot more pictures of Memphis than they used to. Of course, for some officers, a Prius does just fine.
[Source: Commercial Appeal]

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