Le Monde: The future of cars is electric

According to a recent article by prestigious French newspaper Le Monde, the future of cars is electric. Yes, hybrids are successful, and plug-ins seem the next logic step, but the editor forecasts that cars on batteries will become a reality very, very soon.

His arguments? BMW and GM's plans to have EVs running by the start of the next decade (for instance, the Volt) and Carlos Ghosn's declarations about Project Better Place in Israel, which is arriving in Europe as well. There's also the list of upcoming EV projects from other manufacturers such as the Bolloré/Pininfarina's joint venture, and Norway's Th!nk.

The article, geared towards a French audience, gets into more details about Bolloré's Bluecar project, but finishes with a remarkable statement: "It'd be a shame if clean cars of tomorrow looked like electrified versions of current models."

[Source: Le Monde (thanks to my buddy Dominique for the tip)]

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