Ebony and Ivory: B&W Camaros caught in Florida

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It's been two weeks since we've found new spy shots of uncovered Chevy Camaro prototypes, but the enthusiasts over at Canaro5 (photos were first on CamaroZ28.com) have released 17 new pics of the pony car with a bow-tie. The photos have a February time-stamp and are taken from the same location as the last spy shots we published, but there are plenty of close-ups and new angles this time around.

While some details like headlights and some trim components are not production-ready, the sheet metal is pretty much 100% authentic, and looking pretty damn good if we may be so bold. The side view of the Camaro pictured above is just dead-sexy, and in Ebony this fine filly looks like it can eat lesser transportation for breakfast. It's nice to see a prototype roaming public streets without the hideous camo, and crisp photos and accommodating engineers are a lot better than what we've seen in the past. The only bad part is that we have to wait it out for another year before the 2010 Camaro hits dealer showrooms. We've posted six pics in the gallery below, or you can follow the link below to see all 17 photos on CamaroZ28.com.

[Source: CamaroZ28.com via Camaro5]

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