smart may force cities to reconsider parking laws

The smart limited two, unveiled in Geneva.

One reason that micro-vehicles like the smart exist is so that they can cut down on congestion. There is only so much space available in big urban areas, and parking spots are often hard to come by. So, to pack more vehicles in the same amount of parking spots, you've got to have smaller vehicles. Unless, of course, laws prohibit these small cars from taking advantage of their enhanced parking possibilities. This seems to be a problem out in California; "If these things sell in any kind of reasonable numbers, we're going to have to deal with it," said Matt Nichol, a transportation planner in Berkeley. Selling in reasonable numbers they are, so hopefully smart cars will be given special parking privileges soon enough.

Smart is willing to help, says U.S. spokesman Ken Kettenbeil, "It's going to be a lot of work because each city has its own policies, but we've started." We think it just makes sense and really is in everybody's best interest to make sure smart cars can make use of their diminutive size and, well, park smartly.

[Source: SF Gate]

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