Mercedes plans demo fleet of electric Smarts

We've been hearing about electric Smart cars for ages now and although some have been made and even test driven, these EVs haven't seemed to have the full weight of Daimler AG behind them. Of course, considering they are headed by CEO Dieter Zetsche who was once quoted as saying, "buyers don't really want electric cars," it's little wonder. Thankfully, the tide may be turning.

According to USA Today, Mercedes-Benz says it will have a demonstration fleet of practical, if small, electric vehicles on the road in two to three years." No, these have nothing to do with the 100 Smart eds being shipped to Britain with the Zebra sodium-nickel chloride battery. It seems these babies will be equipped with modern lithium ion batteries Mercedes has described as "breakthrough".

One of the reasons given by Vice President Herbert Kohler for building this Smart flotilla, according to the article, is "to be sure the setup is right for mass production." Whoa! For a minute there I thought he said something about mass producing electric Smart cars. Hopefully, it won't take the electric Smarts ten years to reach America like the gas version.

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[Source: USA Today]

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