Brazil working on bio-propane from biodiesel byproduct


Image by Gaby_bra. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0

The increase in biodiesel production the world over long ago spelled the end of the need for synthetic glycerin. Since glycerin is a by-product of biodiesel production, communities are finding ways to process the excess material. Kyoto, Japan is using glycerin to make hydrogen. Brazil - more often noted for its ethanol economy - has found that enough glycerin is produced in the country to make bio-propane a feasible prospect. When Brazil's current biodiesel mandate of B2 jumps to B5 in 2013, even more glycerin will be available, so this green propane has a solid future in Brazil in the coming years. Bio-propane isn't the only green energy use for Brazil's glycerin, and you can find out more at Spero News.

[Source: Spero News / Mario Osava]

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