Go PSA! Stop & Start will be standard soon

After PSA's announcement of taking things easy on diesel hybrids, it's at least good to know that they have decided to make the Start & Stop system available for the whole range of models. Nowadays, only certain versions of the Citroën C2 and C3 can be ordered with the Stop & Start system, a nifty fuel saver that shuts down the engine at traffic lights or when stuck in a traffic jam. This accounts for a 10 to 15 percent reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 production figures.
PSA has just announced that they will make the system available for their complete lineup and - even better - it will be made standard. Their target is to install the system in a million vehicles by 2011 and 1.6 million by 2012.

[Source: Autoplus (thanks to my buddy Dominique for the tip)]

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