VIDEO: Paris Hilton says hybrids cars are "awesome," she has "the first one"

Paparazzi asked celebrity Paris Hilton about going "green" (see video below) and buying her new hybrid Yukon. Mrs. Hilton says "everyone" should buy a hybrid. Why? They are "awesome!" She even brags she has "the first one." What might Mrs. Hilton mean by saying she has the first hybrid, a type of vehicle that's been on sale for many years and is actually quite popular? All the commercials for the GM hybrids say "limited availability." GM only recently began selling the very expensive hybrid SUV, so demand may not be that high. Paris probably meant the first hybrid Tahoe sold from that dealership but it's also very possible Paris Hilton has the first hybrid Yukon IN THE WORLD!

UPDATE: GM tells us that Paris purchased the Yukon Hybrid the same as everyone else and they have no idea what she's talking about, either.

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[Source: TMZ]

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