Zap still pursuing Daimler over Smart deal, California Supreme Court next

Once upon a time Zap had a dream to import the Smart ForTwo to the U.S. market. Unfortunately for Zap, that plan didn't work out and Smart's parent Daimler ultimately did a deal with Roger Penske to be the U.S. distributor for Smart. Zap decided not to take this lying down and ultimately filed a lawsuit in 2005 against Daimler (then DaimlerChrysler) alleging the German company interfered with their business (need more background? click here). So far Zap has had no success in U.S. courts, with both a trial court and appeals court ruling they had no jurisdiction over Daimler in the case. Undaunted, Zap is now going to the California Supreme Court hoping to get them to reverse the previous rulings. Zap hopes for a ruling in about three months.

[Source: Zap]

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