Automakers' Rep. John Dingell renews attempt to block state CO2 regs

During the debate last fall over the new energy bill one of the amendments that some members of the Congress unsuccessfully tried to get into the final bill was wording that federal CO2 limits would take precedence over state rules. California and other states have been trying to implement CO2 limits that would effectively create fuel economy standards that are tougher than the federal rules.
Now Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) is now reviving that effort. Dingell chairs the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House, a body that is about to release a report on roles of different levels of government in regulating greenhouse gases. Dingell wants federal rules to establish a limit on CO2 emissions. The report states that allowing a mish-mash of different rules would be too hard on the states' economies that rely on the auto industry. The Bush administration turned down a waiver request that would have allowed California to enforce their own rules and California is now suing the EPA to overturn the decision.

[Source: Automotive News - Sub. req'd]

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