Geneva '08 Video Preview: IED Maserati Chicane and Sfida concepts

With all the big debuts coming from the major automakers, it'd be easy to forget about the student-designed Maserati concepts being unveiled in Geneva next week. But it won't be after you check out this video.

The computer-animated clip after the jump shows the Maserati Chicane concept, drawn up by students at the Turin campus of the European Institute of Design, in all its simulated glory. Check it out from every angle and then watch it head out onto an animated racetrack only to find its rearview mirror full of...what's that? The Sfida, a second Maserati concept drawn up by the transportation-design students. The previously-unseen shooting brake Sfida will make its debut alongside the Chicane coupe at the Geneva show, and we'll be there to bring you all the angles. In the meantime, enjoy the video after the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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