Move over, Tata Nano; Tara's electric Tiny is now the world's cheapest car

We told you all about Tata's 1 lakh car (1 lakh=100,000 rupees), the world's cheapest car a month ago, it made a big splash on the world stage. Now, there's news of a car that claims to be cheaper and greener: the Tara Tiny! India's Tara International says it will release a four-seat electric car called Tiny that will cost just 1 rupee less than 1 lakh or 99,999 rupees (roughly 2,500 US dollars).

With its battery power, the Tiny will have a top speed of 70 km per hour (43 mph) and a range of 100 km (62 miles). The operating costs is 60 paise for every km, about one-fifth to one-tenth the cost of using gas. The Tiny is expected in the next three to five months along with three other electric cars tentatively branded: Tara Titu, Tara Micro and Tara Mini.

Tara International is working with China's Aucma, and has already ordered a 14-seat electric bus that will ship this May. Tara may even release an electric two-wheeler. It's not clear if Tara plans to release the Tiny overseas, but what is clear is that the Nano won't be the only car selling for about 1 lakh this year.

UPDATE: Tiny image added, courtesy of New Launches.

[Source: Economic Times]

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