VIDEO: Another new Knight Rider spot highlights shape-shifting KITT

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The latest television commercial for the upcoming Knight Rider movie that airs this Sunday on NBC plays like an ad for KITT is parallel parked on a city street while a trigger happy nuevo Michael Knight gets busy with the key fob, experimenting with the GT500KR's nano tech-based shape-shifting abilities. We learn that KITT's shape shifting range is pretty limited. He can turn into any color late model Ford Mustang, and that's it. So when the bad guys are searching for an overly winged Attack KITT, the most sophisticated car on the planet will hide by magically transforming into a 2007 Mustang V6 with the Pony Package. This is where we sigh out loud and bemoan how bad this movie and the resulting series is going to be. But we'll watch it anyways this Sunday on NBC. Who knows, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is actually pretty good, and we were sure that show was gonna to suck. Check out the commercial for yourself after the jump.


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