The Next Best Thing: Ferrari FXX pedal-car


click above to view a few more pics of the Berg Ferrari FXX pedal car

Not everyone can afford a Ferrari FXX. Mind you, not everyone would want one if they could. But for those who do and don't have the seven figures to drop on the real deal, Berg Toys has created the Ferrari FXX of pedal cars. You know, for the kids.

Like the real deal, the FXX Racer pedal car comes equipped with a seven-speed transmission, an on-board computer, disc brakes, semi-slick racing tires and styling, which, as you can see, is modeled on Maranello's developmental track-car. For those to whom cost is no object, the FXX Exclusive (pictured above) upgrades with a premium racing bucket and four-point harness, leather steering wheel and even an aero kit. Berg, whose website is currently under construction, will be offering both models (€499 and €1499 respectively) through its own dealer network and through Ferrari dealerships starting next month. We don't know about you, but we'd love to see a drag race between this, the Bugatti and the Alfa Romeo pedal cars that we've reported on previously.


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