eBay Find of the Day: Clearance Sale! Old Navy display pickup

click above for more pics of this Old Navy 1950s-era Chevy display truck

Chances are that any car nut who visits Old Navy in the mall has closely inspected one of these 1950s-era Chevy pickups while waiting for a significant other to try on the hottest new skort or cargo pant. It seems that at least one Old Navy store is getting rid of its display truck. eBay Motors is hosting an auction for one that's being sold by the company hired to remove it from the store. The pickup is not a runner, as its engine and transmission have been removed, but the body looks to be in good condition and some interested buyers have already commented that a few individual parts, like the grille, are worth hundreds of dollars on their own.

The auction for this Old Navy display truck currently stands at just $1,650 with 32 bids, and there's no reserve price so the top bidder gets it regardless. No doubt a few bidders are planning to throw a motor and drivetrain in this thing and get it running again, which should raise the bids significantly before the auction ends next Wednesday.

[Source: eBay Motors via Motive Mag]

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