Car Porn: films the Lamborghini LP640

click above for more images of the Lambo LP640 taken by

We're big fans of car photography and videos here at Autoblog if you couldn't tell. We bloggers take all our own photos and shoot our own video. We've gotten a lot better at it over time, but even we have to admit that Autoblog's like an independent studio compared to the professionals at We hear their entire team is comprised of former high school A/V club presidents, but that's just a rumor.

So we're glad that the team tips us off when new material gets published. Today they've unveiled a multimedia package devoted entirely to a Lamborghini LP640. We don't know who gave them the keys, but we're eager to introduce ourselves. Check out a trailer of the short film after the jump and a sample gallery of their photography below. Visit the website here to view the Lamborghini LP640 feature in high-definition. It's not just a video thrown together by some bloggers. It's got a plot, sexual tension... even dry ice!


The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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