Exclusive: GM to hybridize Saturn Outlook, GMC Acadia, GMC Sierra

The Washington Auto Show is over and I have news of three new hybrids from GM. I asked GM's car show floor specialists which cars GM plan to turn into hybrids? I was told there would be an Acadia and Sierra hybrid by a GMC specialist and Outlook hybrid by a Saturn specialist. I don't think GMC, Saturn or GM has said officially they would turn the Acadia and Outlook vehicles into hybrids. GM has said they plan to release a hybrid every 3 months for the next 4 years. So, I guess it's possible GM told the specialists before releasing the plans.

I would have recorded the specialists saying there will be a hybrid Acadia, Sierra and Outlook. But they said they were not allowed to be recorded because they did not actually represent GM. So, take this rumor with a grain of salt. I suppose even if GM somehow leaked this information in briefings to specialists, GM could still reconsider hybridizing Acadia and Outlook. I also think it's possible I could be mistaken and they meant the older Sierra hybrid. That would not explain the Acadia and Outlook though.

Anyway, I was actually thinking a lot about what 16 brands GM would make hybrids. My theoretical list of brands included lots of GM's car brands. I asked a Pontiac (a GM brand) specialist and he said GM had no plans for a hybrid Pontiac. So even if this rumor is incorrect, there seems to be a trend at GM towards making SUV hybrids. More SUV hybrids would fit the logic of what they say about first hybridizing buses, where it can do the most good. What do you think about the possibility of 16 new SUV hybrids coming to the market?

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