GM will release a new hybrid every 3 months for the next 4 years

In an interview that should air soon tonight (Nov. 18) at 8 p.m. EST on CNBC's Beyond the Boardroom, GM CEO Rick Wagoner says General Motors will release a new hybrid every three months for the next four years. Three days ago, CNBC teased the interview with that quote and you can watch the tease here. This program highlights page says "the popular Cadillac brand and GM's plans to roll out a new hybrid every quarter for the next 4 years." That page also includes another tease of the interview where Rick says he really thinks things are going to change in the next 10 or 20 years. Here is exactly what Rick says in the video about hybrids;

We will have one new hybrid coming out every quarter for next four years. We've got four on the market right now. We are getting in the game with a range of technologies.

Doing some simple math and knowing that a quarter means three months and that there are four quarters in a year; this means there will be 16 new hybrids from GM by 2011. There are about 16 hybrids on the market currently. This release schedule easily puts GM ahead of any other car maker's announced hybrid release numbers and should make GM the car maker with the most hybrid brands for some time. Stay tuned, I will live blog the the interview as it airs. Feel free to hoot and howl in comments.

[Source: CNBC]

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