Detroit News: Like the Chevy Beat? Consider a used Geo Metro first


Last year, General Motors trotted out a few new microcar concepts, and the Chevy Beat appears to be the winning design in many peoples eyes. We'd love to see the car make it into production ourselves, considering that there is a distinct lack of mini-mobiles currently fighting for your hard-earned dollar, with the exception of the Smart. But, as The Detroit News points out, the idea behind the Beat is far from new, as the old Geo Metro clearly shows. The writer claims that the Metro can get a combined 40 miles per gallon or so and can reach highway speeds when required. We agree, and a used Metro can be found for just a few thousand bucks. The difference, as we see it, is that the Metro has very little inherent style, while cars like the Beat and Smart models have loads. Buyers are often enticed by the style of the vehicle first and enamored with the economy afterwards.

[Source: Detroit News]

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