Safe and green: Mexico City offers women-only buses

Due to severely inappropriate behavior by some men (groping, verbal harassment) on Mexico City public transportation, city police have instituted three gender-segregated bus lines. 15 more routes are expected to get women-only buses before April. The ladies-only buses - complete with pink signs - are part of a massive public transportation system in Mexico City that moves 22 million passengers a day.

The AP describes the scene on one man-free bus today this way: "passengers [...] spent most of their trip down the capital's tree-lined Reforma Avenue chatting or putting on makeup, instead of fighting off unwanted male attention. When a man mistakenly climbed aboard, the women immediately began teasing him and shouting that he should read the 'ladies only' sign." The man rode the bus a few stops before getting off.

There is a similar program on certain train lines in Japan and on some subway lines in Mexico City. But what do you do when it's the driver who's unable to keep his mouth shut?

UPDATE: very embarrassing typo fixed, thanks to JK.
[Source: Olga Rodriguez / Associated Press ]

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