The EU will apply strict controls to carbon capture technology


As we have explained before, Europe wants to become a green continent and is taking various actions to accomplish this target. One of these efforts is the widespread use of carbon capture technologies. According to EU figures, 40 percent of Europe's carbon emissions come from coal plants that produce electricity. Carbon capturing on-site, therefore, seems a reasonable way to reduce these emission as much as possible those and, consequently, reduce global emissions.

Now there is a new proposed Directive referring to CO2 storage in geological strati, either inland or in the sea, under continental platforms. It excludes water columns storage, since the risk of the gas leaving water is quite high (just think about carbonated beverages left open).

The EU wants to restrict authorizations for these storage facilities, and the maximum security will be demanded. Each request will have to wait for 6 months until the EU will give its opinion to the affected country.

The norm will also display a very comprehensive set of technical requirements and evaluation methods for the installation to be authorized. Moreover, it will also ask for constant analysis on the CO2 levels during transport, injection and storage of the gas.

Finally, the directive will also include rules on how to prosecute violators of these rules and what to do if the gas is released accidentally.


[Source: Madri+d]

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