Reader Spy: Production Dodge Challenger naked in the rain

Autoblog reader Ray O'Connor happened upon an undisguised Dodge Challenger on his way to work in the Detroit area and managed to snap a photo of it from behind the wheel. At first, we wondered whether the HEMI orange car pictured was simply the concept car out and about, because it has been known to traverse public roads before. Neither the ducktail spoiler on the trunklid nor the taillamp design shown on this car are features of the concept, however, so we're guessing one of the preproduction cars was stretching its legs a bit. Or maybe Chrysler's taking a page from GM and, like the Camaro, has decided to just get rid of the camo altogether. In any case, the car will finally be revealed to the world next month in Chicago, and we'll be there, as always, to cover it.

Thanks, Ray!

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