Nokia tricks out Camry hybrid with gadgets at CES

MobileBurn has great images of a tricked-out Camry hybrid in the Nokia booth at CES. Nokia painted the car a cool green with white trees and added a slew of Nokia products. I contacted Nokia and Keith Nowak told me, "At each trade show, we generally do have a car in our booth to use as a platform for some of our automotive products - like handsfree kits and navigation devices. This year, since we are highlighting some of our environmental efforts as well, we decided that we would use a hybrid vehicle to stay in the theme - in this case, a Toyota Camry Hybrid."

Fitting the green theme perfectly is Nokia's 3110 Evolve cell phone and eco sensor concept which are also at the show. While very cool, I am not sure I can approve of the energy drain to the car's battery caused by these un-essential devices. Except for that Nokia internet tablet which is really cool and therefore essential.

[Source: MobileBurn, Nokia]

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