VIDEO: Sneak peek at production Chevy Volt

Very few vehicles have received the level of attention the Chevy Volt has been given, and we're still nearly three years before production begins. The reason for all the press is obvious. If GM can produce what they're promising with the Volt, with plug-in power and the ability to drive 40 miles on electricity alone, it'll be a game changer. The local Detroit NBC affiliate got access to the Volt design studio and brought their cameras with them. During the two minute piece, we're given a quick peek at the more rounded front end of the production model. You can see a headlight, a curvier bumper and little else, but it's enough to show that GM is on the right track. Hit the jump to view the video.

Thanks for the tip, Tony!

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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