California Air Resources Board proposes $25M to replace or retrofit older diesel trucks

As we've discussed here before, one of the issues with cutting emissions - whether they are greenhouse or noxious gases - is the number of older vehicles still on the road. The number of new cleaner vehicles added every year is dwarfed by the number of existing vehicles which may stay on the road for 15-20 years or more. Getting a rapid reduction in emissions would be helped a lot if all those old vehicles could be retired. The California Air Resources Board has proposed spending up to $25 million to help accelerate this process. The agency wants to use the money to either replace or retrofit nearly 800 trucks operating in Southern California, the Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay area. The focus is on cleaning up trucks that are moving goods from ports to other areas of the state where the emissions from those trucks are affecting a large area.

[Source: California Air Resources Board, via Green Car Congress]

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