Mitsubishi kei cars "Bloom" for Japan's ladies

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Bloom Edition When you boil away everything else, the core elements of the new "Bloom Edition" Mitsubishi kei cars are their Sakura Pink paint; light-colored, water-resistant seat fabrics; and makeup mirrors. Yes, there are other colors available, and we're sure some of the Japanese shoppers (women, specifically) who Mitsu is targeting might also appreciate the cars' UV glass with water-repellent coating (think "factory Rain-X" here). But the real package centers on the Hello Kitty-look that the pink brings.

The Bloom Edition package is available on the "i" (above) and eK Wagon kei cars. It's not uncommon to see keis marketed in pastels with an eye toward female buyers anyway, but these Bloom Editions are about as direct as you can get. Who knew vanity mirrors could actually be promoted as a selling point?

[Source: Mitsubishi]

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