Slighted Unique Performance workers demand wages

The effects of the recent collapse of Unique Performance continue to grow, and this time it's the employees who claim they are owed thousands of dollars in unpaid wages. According to CBS 11 News in Dallas, many of the employees were asked to stay on to complete several Foose Stallions that needed to be finished even after the company was raided by police on November 1. Foose, as well as Shelby have since severed official ties with Unique. The employees have yet to be paid for the work, and are owed more than $40,000 in back pay. Mike Luzader, former program manager for Unique Performance, claims that the funds simply need to be cleared and that the wages will be paid on December 26th. We wouldn't hold our breath.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the story is why employees stayed on despite the obvious signs that the end was near. Many of the workers cited their passion and loyalty for the cars, as well as how personal they took their jobs. While we love to see this passion in the automotive industry, it's also sad to see it taken advantage of. We hope for a positive resolution for all involved and will continue to track the story's progress.

[Source: CBS 11 News]

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