Green group that opposes F1 city racing goes to the EU

The EU has taken into account a formal complaint made by Fórmula Verda, an association led by the Valencian Federation of Ecologistas en Acción against the celebration of a F1 Grand Pix race in Valencia, Spain on August 24th (the promotional video is after the jump). The Grand Prix, which was even used as a political weapon between candidates for the regional government, will be raced from 2008 to 2014.

In order to adapt the streets of Valencia (near the Port) for such an event, lots of work needs to be done, and these plans haven't been assessed environmentally. The changes affect the primary road network of the area and the protected spaces: the district of el Grao and a park created when the Turia river was rerouted outside the city in the '80s. Environmental assessments are mandatory under the EU rules of public works. The organisers of the race (a consortium between a private company, the regional government and the city council) didn't take into consideration the impact of noise pollution nor have published any information about the project.


[Source: Agencia EFE via Autocity]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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