Petrobras develops first Formula 1 biofuel, a secret blend

Although ethanol is already being used in some American and
races, Formula 1 is still using special gasoline for the cars to run. Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company, has announced a new gasoline blend using ethanol which is suitable for Formula 1 engines specifications. The amount of ethanol added has not been disclosed (it's a secret).

Petrobras showed a F29 racer driven by Kazuki Nakajima on the streets of São Paulo fueled by this new blend which will be used exclusively by the AT&T Williams team. Dilma Youssef, a Brazilian Minister, filled the tank before the event.

By 2008, Formula 1 fuel will have to include a mandatory 5.75 percent of biofuel. But we're more anxious about the introduction of hybrid powertrains in the near future.

[Source: Energías Renovables]

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