Phill expands markets for home CNG fuelling stations

FuelMarker Corporation, makers of the Phill home CNG refuelling station, has announced that it is going to be on sale in the Netherlands. While Germans have quite a large network of public CNG fuelling stations, Netherland's infrastructure is more limited.
Phill is being introduced in the country as part of GM's new marketing initiative of its natural gas version of the Opel Combo and Zafira: the first 50 buyers will get a Phill fuelling charging station at home for free.

Phill is now commercially available in Italy, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland and the United States (check here for a video). Future plans include making the station available in Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Barbados, the U.K., Australia, Lithuania, and Pakistan.

[Source: Opel via NGV]

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