Man sets record for being thrown longest distance by a car

Six years ago, paramedic Matthew McKnight was working an accident on a road near Pittsburgh. What happened next is one for the record books. McKnight was hit by a car doing 70 mph and was thrown a record-setting 118 feet.
At the hospital, yes, he lived, he was diagnosed with two dislocated shoulders, one of which was also broken, and a broken pelvis, leg and tailbone. McKnight spent two weeks in the hospital and 80 days in rehab. His ER doctor was so impressed by McKnight's impromptu flight, he submitted it to Guinness World Records.
The record took a while to verify, but will be in the upcoming 2008 edition of the book.

Kids, do not try this at home. There are much easier ways to get in the Guinness World Records book. We highly encourage you to attempt breaking the "Most Spy Shots of Experimental Ferraris Ever Submitted to Autoblog" as well as "Largest Cashable Check Ever Written to a Blogger Named Chris." Those numbers to beat, btw, are one and $4.63.

[Source: AP via]

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