2007 AB Gift Guide: Haynes merchandise

If your wife calls your car magazines "porn" and accuses you of ogling other women's bumpers, these decks are quite possibly your version of pinup girl poker cards. More famous for their automotive repair manuals, Haynes has licensed their name and distinctive book design to a line of products sure to appeal to any wrench-owner. Sure, the playing cards are very cool and come in VW Van, and, Mini, but there are also magnets, t-shirts, coffee mugs, wallets and a retro-cool lunch box. Unfortunately, a Haynes' rep tells us they have no plans to sell these UK items in the U.S. because they are, "not relevant to our market." So be prepared to pay dearly for international shipping. Feel free to let Haynes know that the UK-centric merch probably would, in fact, sell in the U.S.
Haynes Playing Cars - $12
Next up: Do you floss?

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