Bugatti offering to school owners on handling the Veyron

It's been said more times than we care to rehash; financial liquidity is unrelated to driving talent. Bugatti is yet another automaker recognizing this simple fact and is planning to offer Veyron owners a driving course at the Anneau du Rhin circuit in Colmar, France to bone up on their skills before handing over the keys.

According to Motor Authority, the school will teach heirs and sheiks everything from emergency braking to high-speed lane changes in a variety of road conditions, with a final run around the circuit to bring it all together.

While we're all for training drivers to handle their newly acquired 1001 hp exotica, we're unsure whether the skills they learn will make them more conscientious drivers or if it will further contribute to their inflated egos.

[Source: Motor Authority]

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