Alfa declares a do-over: new hatch won't be called Furiosa

One of the reasons that autocratic rulers don't open themselves up to democracy is because there's a good chance they won't get what they want. The ruler in this case is Alfa Romeo, which held an online poll to name its next car, and the winningest result was "Furiosa." It has been speculated that Alfa is furious with the name, and that, in the best tradition of unhappy autocrats, the results have been vacated: the car will not be named the Furiosa.

Alfa supposedly thinks the name is too close to the movie series The Fast and the Furious, and the company also objects on the grounds that the word "furiosa" connotes a woman who is angry and/or gay. Which, hypothetically, isn't the image they're trying to promote with the car. Now it is said that the car will appear during at the Geneva Motor Show with a name -- as yet undecided -- that begins with an "R." Any suggestions?

Thanks for the tip, Carlos!

[Source: Argentina Auto Blog]

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