Rumormill: Solstice to get G6 GXP-look schnoz?

Oh no. Blogger Mickey Kaus says that he's seen an updated Pontiac Solstice ('09, presumably, since the '08 is unchanged), and that the new front clip sports the unbecoming, "tongue-thrusting" look of the current G6 GXP. Let's hope what Kaus saw was just some driver with poor taste rolling with an aftermarket nose, because the Solstice is not in need of a factory-prescribed rhinoplasty. GM would do well to focus on further refining the next generation of the car and not engage in ill-advised interim facelifts just for the sake of having them.
The Solstice is a great-looking, fun little go-kart that's not without its flaws. None of those, however, involve the car's appearance, which is its strongest suit. The new-look G6 GXP fascia is so overwrought that it effectively ruins an otherwise appealing package (GXP trim is the only way to get the G6 with the 3.6L V6 and 6-speed auto, and be advised: the GXP sedan gets the Gene Simmons mug, too). Don't do that to the Solstice, Pontiac. When you're trying hard to rekindle the Excitement Division, it's probably not a good idea to remind folks that you were the Aztek Division not so long ago. Unnecessary silliness like this does precisely that, so we hope this is one report that never leaves the proverbial rumormill.

UPDATE: More details from Mickey Kaus in the comments.

[Kausfiles via Instapundit]

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