GM confirms leasing lithium ion batteries for Chevy Volt and Opel Flextreme is a possibility


Remember the Opel Flextreme? We haven't heard too much about this version of the E-Flex platform with the Segways in the back since it was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show back in September. But General Motors has repeated an interesting announcement regarding the high-tech lithium ion batteries in the Flextreme - and in the Chevy Volt - during the current
LA Auto Show: the General is seriously considering leasing, not selling, the new and expensive batteries to consumers. So says Just Auto (subs req'd), which got the confirmation from GM today and adds that leasing the batteries would solve "a number of issues that would otherwise significantly slow their launch."

GM has been talking about leasing the batteries for these cars since at least August. In September,
Nick Reilly, the president of General Motors Asia Pacific, explained that leasing costs for the batteries could cost as much as gas does today. Looks like this story is not going anywhere, which certainly hints that we'll be seeing it again in the future.

[Source: Just Auto]

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