Study claims air pollution in Toronto causes 440 deaths annually

Toronto's medical officer of health, David McKeown, has released a new study that points the finger of blame on air pollution from transportation for 440 premature deaths annually in the city. Like most large urban areas, traffic congestion is a major problem in Canada's largest city and Mayor David Miller has taken to the "Think Globally, Act Locally" philosophy to fight climate change. The study claims that cutting traffic in the metropolis by almost one-third is viable and the resulting air quality gains would reduce the premature death count by 200. The Toronto Transit Commission recently unveiled a plan to install 120 miles of new light rail lines by 2021 at a cost of $6 billion. Without some severe restrictions on vehicles coming into the city or some hefty congestion charges, a thirty percent reduction in traffic seems highly unlikely but it's good to see they are at least trying.

[Source: Globe and Mail]

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