VIDEO: Tesla Roadster gets some screen time

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It seems that every fall we get a slight reprieve from the ridiculous gas prices of the summer season, but this year prices seem to be headed further north. With the bleak outlook at the pump, it's comforting to see a Tesla Roadster on public roads. Veronica Belmont from Mahalo Daily (also a semi-regular on Leo Laporte's This Week in Tech podcast) got some very exclusive time with Zak Edson of Tesla Motors to discuss the famous roadster, and a chauffeured ride came as part of the package.

The Tesla Roadster is decidedly quiet, even though its 13,000 rpm motor can propel the car to 60 mph in less than four seconds. Edson also showed how letting a foot off the accelerator gives the battery a regenerative charge that also helps keep wear and tear on the brakes to a min. Since the Tesla roadster is 100% electric, the two-seater will always need access to a battery charger to remain relevant, and Edson shared Tesla's plan to include a 220-volt charge system with every vehicle purchase. We like the way the LED display in the charge compartment changes colors to show the driver where the lithium ion battery pack is in the charge cycle, as well as the charge port that lights up a different color depending on how charged the batteries are.

Check out the vid after the jump and enjoy seeing the Tesla Roadster actually being used. What a concept!

[Soure: Mahalo Daily]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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